The goal of the School is to provide opportunities for higher learning as well as for career seekers and future entrepreneurs.
Welcome to the Department of Computer Science (DoCS) where your academic life will be greatly imparted.
The department has very innovative programs that are industry aware and thus, is very committed to training students to be able to solve the numerous problems confronting us in every aspect of our society/economy.
For we are strategically aligned with industry to have that necessary cross pollination and cross breeding of ideas for the total development of our students.
The pedagogies we deploy in conveying our lectures/teachings are modern and technologically inclined. We are practically oriented department where students may come in without any skills but are destined to graduate with the necessary expertise for the job market.
Our students are also trained for continuous and further studies/research to be game-changers in society.
You will never regret coming into the Department of Computer Science. I wish you a memorable and eventful student life in the Department.

Prof. Mohammed Ibrahim Daabo
The revolution that came about through computing and its related fields have profoundly influenced our life, culture, and economy.
The world has recognized the importance of computing in today’s global village. And thus, the Department of Computer Science seeks to promote scholarship, as well as search for academic work and application of scientific knowledge through education, training, and research so as to train highly skilled and globally-employable computer scientists and conducting cutting-edge research to address problems in industry and the economy. The worldwide shortage of computer professionals is a well-known phenomenon.
The Department is purposefully designed to provide skillful, competent, and motivated graduates for the increasing and numerous challenging tasks of Computing and Information Technology (CIT) in the country and the world at large.
The Department over the years has developed professional and research capabilities in the major areas of computer science, which are of local, national, and regional significance that well position students to fill up the shortage in the job market.
The Department intends to be the center of excellence in providing a diverse range of skills and competencies that are both discipline-specific and job-related, and more importantly, the Department has been an incubator for training students that entrepreneurial-minded with the aim of empowering students to start startups/companies in order to help Ghana realize her technology and information communication agenda.
The Department of Computer Science is under the School of Computing and Information Sciences (SCIS). It was first established in 2002 as a unit under the then Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science and became a stand-alone Department in 2009. The Department has been involved in providing teaching and research in the field of computing within the University.
The Department currently runs BSc. degrees in Computer Science, Data Science, Network Science and a Diploma in Computer Science. The only postgraduate program run by the Department is Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Science.
The Department over the years has graduated a great number of students since the 2005/2006 academic year, some of whom have completed their Masters and Ph.D. programs. One of the success stories of the Department is that about 60% of the Lecturers currently teaching in the Department are its own products
Undergraduate Programmes
- BSc. Computer Science
- BSc. Data Science
- BSc. Network Science
Diploma Programmes
- Diploma in Computer Science
- Diploma in Data Science
Graduate Programmes
- MPhil. in Computer Science
- Ph.D. in Computer Science
- Computer and Data Security and its Applications
- Machine Learning and its Applications
- Data Science and its Applications
- Cryptography and its Applications
- Sensor Networks
- Satellite Communication
- Residue Number System/Computer Hardware Design
- Mathematical Modeling